“The Power of Glove” could be so bad, as it should be.

“The Power of Glove” is an upcoming film that will discuss the interesting tale of the notorious Nintendo accessory “The Power Glove”. The producers of the film are currently looking to fund the film through Kickstarter and Gamer Logic will be backing the film.

The reason we will be backing this film is because the film makers have actually gone out and interviewed the original team behind the controller and have pursued the topic past just regular internet research. In other words: They’re bringing something new to lore of video game history and not just saving you the time of typing “power glove” into Google. Go check out the trailer at their Kickstarter page and decide if you would like to back it yourself! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/powerglove/the-power-of-glove-a-power-glove-documentary