Beyond: Two Souls impressions

As a fan of Quantic Dream’s other video games, Beyond: Two Souls has been on my radar for awhile. Somehow though, I missed that a demo for it came out and didn’t get a chance to download it till just a few hours ago. Quantic Dream already had my money on this game and I almost decided not to play the demo of this and just play the full release on Tuesday. I’m glad I did play the demo though as not only am I sure that my 60 dollars will be will spent, but it got me even more pumped for the actual game; removing the fear of hype just making it seem good.



Taking the role Jodie Holmes (Played and modeled by Ellen Page) I experienced the powers of the entity that has been attached to Jodie for most of her life.  From the testing of her powers as an 8 year old to later using her powers to save her life as a young lady, its clear that Aiden (The entity) and Jodie can really do some massive damage if the situation warrants it. The demo doesn’t quite make it clear as to why Jodie is on the run from the government, but its clear Jodie wants nothing to do with them. The 30 demo had me training how to fight, escaping capture on a speeding train and finally wiping out a full battalion of armed police in a small town stand off. The end result: Goosebumps and wanting to play more!

20131006203501There isn’t a lot to complain about with this game if you are already familiar with Quantic Dream’s other releases like Heavy Rain. The controls will take a little bit to get use to as well as the entity mechanic, but I had a pretty good handle of the control scheme in a matter of 5 to 10 minutes. If I had one complaint about the game, it was that the wavy view of vision you have while controlling the entity could be disorienting at times, seemingly getting you lost in the action. The camera also showed some signs of being too close to the main character at times, but nothing that caused me to restart the action due to it.


Beyond: Two Souls will be released on October 8, 2013 and available to purchase at any major video game retailer. Buy Beyond: Two Souls @ Amazon