Import Boken – City Hunter

Emily and I recently had the chance to sit down and play the PC Engine release of City Hunter for our Japanese import game show and I can’t say enough how fun it is to have an enthusiastic co-host who is just as eager to play a game as you are. I let Emily drive on this particular episode and I think she did a fantastic job with it. While I certainly enjoy playing the games we record for the episodes, being on the passenger side of things allows me to collect my thoughts better and gauge the pace and length of the episode much better then I could then if I was doing it myself.

Emily and I had no prior experience to the City Hunter franchise prior to playing this game, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying it.

I’ve been an anime fan since the late 80’s, my first being Akira; but for whatever reason I’ve never come across any of the anime adaptions of City Hunter. I was aware that there was a Jackie Chan film adaption of the anime, but I have not seen that either. Regardless, City Hunter has been popular enough to warrant several TV shows in both the live action and animated sense, but it doesn’t seem like its had many video games released for it.

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The City Hunter gets the gun, bad guy and the girl in one shot! If he’s lucky that is!

Despite the series having very little to show for itself in the video game realm, its first release is actually pretty fun. The stages are large, the characters are well animated and with the fact that its a SunsSoft title, you get some very catchy music. I can’t tell you if any of the themes in the game match any of its anime adaptions, but its great sounding none the less. Emily and I managed to get through the first stage of the game without too much of an issue and we look forward to coming back to the game in a potential live stream someday! I still have the password saved on my phone!

Now that I’ve given you some of our back story of the game, its time for you to watch us play the game. Enjoy!