Gamer Logic – Now on Patreon!

Why are you starting a Patreon Campaign Now?

One of the most common questions I’ve received in the last two years is: “How can we help support Gamer Logic!?”. Generally, I tell people that the best way to support our cause is to take the time to share the content across their social network feeds so that more people can be exposed to what it is we do. Many of our fans do, but unfortunately the algorithms that are currently in place on the bigger social network and video sites prevent us from being seen. When that happens, our views drop; which in turn means our ad revenue drops and I keep having to dig back into my own pockets to pay for web hosting, servers, bandwidth, equipment; among other things. We’ve tried supporting these things with T-shirts and other physical items people can buy, but those have been hit or miss at best.

So, here we are. We are dipping our toes into the crowd funding sea to gauge where we are at with our content and time spent creating said content. Hopefully, the promise of more content in rewards is good enough bait for the fish in that sea.

I’d feel like a pretty big jerk if I didn’t offer some decent rewards for someone giving me their hard earned money, so please trust me that even if your giving a single dollar towards a reward tier that you’ll feel like you got your money’s worth from it. We are skipping out on doing any physical rewards as for the most part, they usually end up being more trouble then they are worth for both the producer and the receiver. These rewards offered are easily obtainable because they are digital.

So where is this money going to that, you; the supporter, is graciously using to support Gamer Logic?

  1. The Gamer Logic Dot Net Domain. – While renewing a domain name hardly breaks the bank, I want full disclosure here. Your support goes directly to keeping the domain name afloat.
  2. Web Server Fees – It runs me about $150.00 US dollars a year to maintain the web server that hosts which includes tons of articles, videos, game captures and more. Any money earned from the Patreon will immediately be put towards web hosting fees.
  3. Facebook Exposure: It can be pretty damn hard to expand your social media presence these days without putting out the scratch to Facebook so you can actually be seen. Once our domain and web server fees are paid for the year, we will put some of the money earned towards Facebook Marketing so we can expand our social media presence.
  4. Equipment Replacements – If my capture cards blow up, I’m going to need a replacement for it. No capture card, means no way of capturing game footage; which means less content for me to make and that means you guys may get kinda mad at me. IF and only IF our domain and server fees are covered will I make the decision to dip into our Patreon earnings to help pay for a replacement. The same thing applies to microphones and other equipment needed to produce content.

Here’s what we WON’T be using that money that you support us with for:

  1. Money earned, will absolutely, positively NOT be used to purchase video games, new, old or anything in between. Video Games have, and always will be my hobby and I will invest my own money into that. We’ve got plenty of games to cover for topics for years to come and there’s absolutely no excuse for you as the viewer to pay for me to buy a video game.
  2. Groceries, fast food, fuel or other day to day needs. I have a full time job for that stuff folks! If its not related to the Gamer Logic brand, your money isn’t being used for it.
  3. Internet Service Provider Bills. – There’s absolutely no reason you should be paying my ISP bill.

What if you make a ton of money?

So, what if we end up making an extreme amount of money in monthly support and we blow away the funds to keep Gamer Logic yearly fees afloat? Well, let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. If that does happen though, my immediate thought would be to reach out to our supporters and see what they feel is fair to do with the money. One other thing that comes to mind is that I would love to finally be able to pay something to our fellow Gamer Logic team member, Em for her contributions to Gamer Logic.

What if this thing is a bust and no one really cares to support your Patreon?

If this thing is a bust, we chalk it up as an experiment that at the very least we tried out. We accept the fact that the content we make isn’t something that someone wants to pay for, we trim the fat of what we do and we move on. Simple.

And Finally:

Thanks for taking the time to read through what this Patreon Campaign is all about and we really look forward to making this a fun project for our fans to enjoy.

Thank you for your support!