News on where you can buy Ergo digitally. (Itunes & more!)

On April 7th, 2008 you will be able to pick up Ergo in both digital or CD format from one main web site, however in the coming weeks your choice will increase ten fold.

I’m happy to announce that you will be able to buy the complete album or individual tracks from the new album from the following digital music shops:

  • iTunes
  • Amazon
  • Rhapsody
  • Emusic
  • Napster
  • Puretracks
  • PassAlong
  • Yahoo! Music
  • GroupieTunes
  • Best Buy
  • F.Y.E
  • Wal-Mart
  • OD2/Nokia
  • MTV/VH1

Information on prices hasn’t been released to me yet. Details on where to purchase the CD on the 7th, will be released Sunday night.