Passion and Respect.

What gives me the drive to go out and do what I do every day doesn’t stem from anything in particular, I just want to make the people that happen to bump into me on the way to where ever I’m going are happy and leave a bit of my essence with them on the way out.

Is that a hard thing to do? For me, it’s not; because above all the first thing that people want from you is respect and there’s nothing wrong with that. People have come to terms with being disrespected it least once a day in everyday of their lives and that sucks. That’s no way we should live as human beings at all..

Sadly though…that’s the way the world is.

That’s why my music is the way it is, its similar from song to song in essence but at the same time it can be completely different sounding; yet in some way retain that characteristic that it is an Unleaded Logic song. The bottom line is I write music the way I treat people, with respect. By the time I’m done producing the thing I can go back and look at what tools I used and hear a story from each sound produced by them. Behind each sound is a person, yes even if a computer is the end result of the sound. Somewhere someone produced the strings to make that sound what it is. Crunched ones and zero’s together to make that stutter edit that much more mind warping. Yup even that kick drum from all its several thousand different sounds and variations came from someone and even though it came from someone else it is what now allows me to define what is me.

I respect people, because in one way, shape or form, you helped me advance in the world; or someone related to you did. If I disrespect you, then I’m disrespecting someone who probably helped me and in the end I’m disrespecting myself. What was gained? Absolutely nothing at all.

In the end, the respect I’ve built for myself has been through respecting other people and the end result is the passion that is heard in my music and above all else, life.
Everything we live and do has someone’s else respect put into it and we can all do ourselves better by passing on that respect and saving a piece for ourselves.

Respect….it goes along way.

Try it.