Not on Ergo: Day 1

Today starts a very important part of the production process of Ergo: The cutting of musical tracks that will not appear on the final album release.

Normally I go through tracks and get a general look at the length of all them and see where they will fit in the album. However when you almost 32 tracks that are either finished or a work in progress you absolutely have to cut stuff unless you are doing a double disk and that’s not something I’m interested in.

So starting the next few days of the month I will be going through and cutting tracks and releasing the cut tracks here on Unleaded Logic Dot Com. They will be high quality 320 KPS MP3 files so you can get the maximum sound out of them and the first cut starts right now.

Cut #1: Champions
Download the MP3 (Right click and choose save as)

Why it was cut: This breakbeat track provides a nice growling baseline, intense rising pads and even a few nice piano riffs. The original plan for this song was to have vocals, but after the musical production part was completed; vocals seemed to be tough to write for the track. The track was then marked to be put on Ergo as one of the few instrumental tracks that are on the album, but at the end of the day it the track doesn’t really sparks anything. Thus it was cut from the final album.