Halo 3 is in stores.

<%image(20070919-!CID__09-19-07_1149.jpg|440|280|Halo 3)%>

I stopped by my local GameStop today and found myself having very limited room to move around the store. Boxes upon boxes of stuff were stacked all over the place near the front of the store and on further investigation I noticed that the boxes all seemed to contain Halo 3 Legendary editions. So feeling nerdy, I decide to snap a picture.

The stupid part is I can’t believe that these guys would just allow all these copies of Halo 3 to sit on the floor like this. There was only one skinny stick figure clerk working the floor and practically anyone could have walked out with a box or two without anyone noticing it.

Thoughts ran into my head and a vision of one of those Sidekick phone commercials started playing in the back of my mind. You know the one where everyone text messages each other to meet at once place at the same time and wreck havoc? The supermarket shopping cart race came to mind on this one, only this time it involved people rioting for Halo 3 at once and the clerk pissing his pants.

Then I stopped and realized that jail is not worth it for any game, even Halo 3. Plus my friend Rick (The Realm Beyond) has already kindly informed Shawn (Beyond the Name tag.) and myself that he will not be bailing us out of jail if we do anything stupid at the Halo 3 launch..I figured that would include this too.

Some stores have been selling the game early though and I’m quite jealous that I have to wait till Tuesday to get my copy. This must be karma for being able to play Halo 2 almost two months early before its release date back in 2004, oh well.