I Remember

As I write this, the process bar on my video editing software is at about 50 percent; processing the very last episode of my Youtube series "I Remember" Its a proud moment for me really, as it is my first video series that I’ve worked on that I’m absolutely satisfied with the outcome and that its a series that I ACTUALLY FINISHED. Neo Geo Trio started out strong, but slowly died out, due to lack of interest on the viewers part and after some time; my own. That series still has a heart beat though and I am contemplating bringing it back next season.


The two major factors that I think made I.R. so successful for me was the fact that it was a blast to recall all those nostalgic memories from my gaming past and to think about everything else that was associated with them during those times. The other obvious thing was the response I received from them, so many people felt the same way as I did about almost every video and while the memory played out differently for them; the overall result was the same. Good times.

Now that I’m wrapping up the series, I’m sure I’ll be getting messages asking why I’m ending it after only 8 episodes. (9 if you count the SNES being two parts.) The reason: Honesty.

Sure,I could talk about the Sega Genesis or the TG-16 and many other things, but the fact is that those topics I chose to discuss in these episodes are the very elite of my gaming memories, the stuff that had an influence on my every day life. I could milk the series dry talking about stuff I didn’t think too fondly about, but it would just take the magic out of the whole series…it least in my opinion.

I’ll be posting the complete series in one post here shortly. For those of you who watched, thank you! For those of you who have not…CHECK IT OUT!