More RAM+stress test=music demo.

After two days of bitching at UPS I’ve finally received my two pieces of RAM that I’ve been waiting for to use on my music PC. This maxes out the total ram on the system to its max of 6 gigs of memory. For those of you who are not computer savvy, for a non gaming PC that thing is freaking loaded! So to see how it measures up on stress tests I always put the computer through hell with a complete load of software synths that are huge memory hogs.

Today’s test made use of some extremely high quality synth piano sounds, effects and strings that normally would of caused a bit of an issue with my previous amount of RAM. It’s actually a cover of a pretty old song. 50 points to anyone who can name what the song is! What are the points good for? Absolutely nothing! You get mad street cred though!

Mystery Song – Download (Right click and hit save as.)

Enjoy the little demo, it took about 45 minutes to put together.