Halo 3 Sountrack contest results.

And your winner of the Halo 3 soundtrack contest?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry folks, its not me! The grand prize and the honor of appearing on the Halo 3 soundtracks goes to a local St. Louis band by the name of Princeton. One of the band members posted the following info on the win at their myspace page:

For if it weren’t for love, the highly respected judging council for Microsoft/Bungie/XBOX’s Halo Inspired Song Writing Contest may not have known what they were feeling while listening to my song, “Ki11UrFR3NZ”.

For those of you who have no idea of what I’m talking about, this blog is for you.


On October 29th, at approximately 2:00pm CT, I received a phone call informing me that I was the Grand Prize winner in the Microsoft/Bungie/XBOX’s Halo Inspired Song Writing Contest. I was at work when I received the call, and I started yelling. I’m sure everyone in the office appreciated it. : )

I spent the next 8 hours working out details about how the song will be promoted. This was overwhelming. The first problem I was told, was that the song name was too long. They (Microsoft) suggested just naming it “UrFR3NZ”. Yikes! One of my favorite things about the song was the ingenious title, and spelling of it. Ha. Anyway… I countered their idea, “How about K1UrFR3NZ?” and they agreed to it. Apparently, the shorter the song title, the easier it is to use it with different types of promotions. I was kinda bummed about the shortening of the song title. It didn’t look nearly as cool.

I was kinda suspicious of them at this point… thinking that they actually just didn’t want to print the word ‘Ki11’ on anything, which I could kinda understand. Then my suspicions proved to be correct when I got a phone call at the end of the day from XBOX’s Marketing Manager saying that she couldn’t believe that the title of my song got through all of MS’s filters, and that the song title absolutely cannot have anything even closely resembling the word ‘Kill’. : (

So I made one FINAL change of the song title to- ‘LvUrFR3NZ’. Because if it wasn’t for all of our wonderful friends in the XBOX LIVE Community, who would you have to kill?

Congrats to everyone in the band!