Plans for Ergo.

With Ergo finally being finished I’ve tasked myself to the job of making sure things are underway to ensure a speedy and widespread release. First off, the CD will be available for purchase in a few ways. You can pick up the disk online at cafepress, lulu, and cdbaby or directly by placing an order with me. I think I’ve decided that anyone who orders directly through me will get some sort of surprise bonus gift with their order, but that is still to be determined.

I’ve sold a decent amount of CD’s with my last two albums and I know that handling all the ordering myself directly may be tough, but it’s a task I’m willing to try my hand at.

Digital distribution will be a whole new ball game for me and all my customers this time around. The album will be available for purchase digitally though Napster, Snocap, Itunes, Rhapsody and Zune Marketplace. The prices for individual songs and albums will vary of course depending on the service; but for those of you who use those services it will make it that much easier for you to pick up the new album. I may offer paid digital downloads in the future myself as well, but no guarantees on that.

Or course, this leads people to ask “Well, aren’t you going to put free mp3’s of the music on your site like the last few albums?” Sorry folks, while I will be putting up 30 second sample clips of each song, I will not be putting up the full tracks to download for free this time around. There has been enough demand for my music via CD, and traceable music plays via myspace that I feel that this is the proper decision to make. After all, the last four albums have been available to most people for free; yet I still had a large amount of people who bought CD’s. This proves to me that my music is worth something to someone. Is it the right decision? If it isn’t, things can change; but I firmly believe right now that it’s the right way to tackle things.

Will there be ways to get my album for free? Sure! People can buy it and upload it on file sharing servers, bit torrent and whatever else suits your fancy and share my music with people for free. If that’s your choice on how you would like to distribute and share what you bought, then that’s fine with me. After all, you paid for my content and now it is essentially yours; I won’t come hunt you down for free promotion.

That’s all for now..