Opportunity Knocks.

I get a lot of interesting customers when I work at my 1st favorite job Fedexkinkos, but the last two months have actually allowed me to meet someone that actually works directly in the gaming world and about two hours ago he actually handed me his business card and asked that I send a music demo directly to him so he can send it through the proper channels to get listened to.

This was my second meeting with the guy and I was fairly honored to know that he recognized me and asked me about how my music was going. I really didn’t do any kind of pestering on my side. The first time he came in I simply acknowledged that I knew what game studio he worked for and that I was interested in doing scoring for games.

So, I’ll send a demo and see what happens, if nothing happens, nothing happens. It’s an opportunity that can’t be looked over though and it anything I can gain some more experience in the field. I really wish I could send him all the tracks I did for Cannibal, but Gametap has that all tied up at the moment and I’m unclear what release rights I have for the tracks.

Which reminds me, I still need to get paid for those…but that’s the game industry for you, or so I hear.