Tag Archives: GENESIS

Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril (NES)

Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril is one of those games I would have rented as a kid and would have instantly become glued to. While many people see it as just as Mega Man clone, that’s not really the case; instead Battle Kid fits better in the mold of Metroid, just WAY harder.

During my quick live 35 minute play session, viewers watched as I repeatedly died at the same screen section over and over again. This game is certainly not for those that do not have patience, but if you can handle the repeated visits to the game over screen, you begin to develop muscle memory as to when to jump, shoot and when to run in the very tough sections of the game.

I didn’t get very far in the game during the live session, but I did enjoy the music, game play and look of the game. I’ll dive into it hard one day.

Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril is a home brew title that can occasionally be purchased from Retro USB. If you want to take a stab at it, you can buy it here: http://www.retrousb.com/product_info.php?cPath=30&products_id=86